gay poetry

Monday’s child

MONDAY’S child full of shit, lacks experience, he’s lacking wit.
Monday’s kid unwilling, but graceful in his demands.
mondays childMonday’s child has goals to fulfill little sexual experience a propensity for meth.
Monday’s child is a cacophony of misadventure.
Monday’s kid is scared of today unsure of the morrow can’t acknowledge a future.
Monday’s child don’t pay the rent don’t buy his own drugs messy demanding.
Monday’s boy is full of self-will self-indulgent self-determined.
Monday’s child wants to conquer the world.
that doesn’t surprise me, I share the same concern.



4 thoughts on “Monday’s child

  1. Jo says:

    Missy Michaels you’re my kind of poet! That Monday’ child is fair of face, Tuesday’s child is full of grace…verse has been in my head since childhood. You went right for the sucker punch with the first line! You don’t waste any time.


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